Sunday, December 6, 2009

AARP appears economical with the truth

Here's a letter I received from the AARP yesterday. Today, I learn that the Senate voted to cut in-home services to Medicare recipients.


Dear Rowena,

The Senate voted to protect guaranteed benefits for Medicare recipients yesterday.
But reform must also strengthen the program for its 45 million recipients.

Senators are debating the health reform bill right now and need to hear from you.

Tell your senators to strengthen Medicare today.

With all the partisanship lately, it seems like a minor miracle for 100 Senators to agree on anything. But it happened yesterday when every Democrat and Republican Senator voted to pass an amendment that makes it clear that every Medicare recipient will continue to receive all of the guaranteed benefits that they rely on.

But after we savor this moment, we must face the reality that the health reform debate in the Senate is far from over.

Rowena, this amendment vote signals that NO ONE supports reforming health care by reducing benefits for seniors. But we cannot stop here.

We must build on this momentum by holding our Senators to this commitment – not just to hold the line on Medicare but also to strengthen it.

Send a message to your senators telling them that health reform must protect Medicare benefits and strengthen the program for the long-term.

While the entire Senate voted to protect Medicare benefits yesterday, there are big steps that must be made to the reform bill. The Senate must:


Lower drug costs and close the Medicare Part D coverage gap or "doughnut hole";

Prevent costly hospital readmissions by creating a follow-up care benefit in Medicare to help people safely transition home after a hospital stay;

Increase home and community based services so older Americans can remain in their homes and avoid costly institutions; and

Improve programs that help low income Americans in Medicare afford the health care and prescription drugs they need.

Momentum is on our side with yesterday's victory, and right now we have the Senate's attention. Senators from both parties are focused on what AARP and AARP members are saying. That's why we must take advantage of this moment to secure meaningful health reform for America's seniors.

Will you help? Now is the time to be heard.

Click here to tell Sen. Carl Levin and Sen. Debbie Stabenow to make America's seniors a priority in the Senate's health reform bill.

Once you send your message, you can really help get the ball rolling by forwarding this message to your friends and family and asking them to join you.

Thank you in advance for your continued support. I know you know how important this legislation is to our future and I look forward to working together for meaningful health reform.


Barry Jackson
AARP Online Advocacy Manager

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I do have to wonder about the "nonpartisan" part of the description of the AARP.  Is this description compatible with "Truth in Advertising"? If they take sides, "on our side" ... how is the AARP "non-partisan"?

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